Did you know? There are various Open Mics/Music Jams within Fairfield County, CT. There are a variety of these events available for those of you that want to start performing out on the local live music scene whether you're a singer or a musician. It's a great way to gain performance experience as well as to network with others if you're looking to form your own music act. And, of course, they're great for seasoned musicians to come and try out new things, or just to play for fun. The ones that I participate in on a regular basis, or a semi-regular basis are:
Monday Nights:
Horseshoe Cafe, Southport, CT. Acoustic Monday's Open Mic Night, hosted by Bradley Clark, runs from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.. A featured artist performs each week from 7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., and then the open mic portion follows for the rest of the evening until 11 a.m. or shortly thereafter. Sign up starts at 6:30 p.m. All types of acoustic music are welcome. There is a house PA on site. As they say, "Put your show on at the Shoe!" The Horseshoe is located at 355 Pequot Avenue.
Tuesday Nights:
The Tuesday Night Jam in Freese Park, Norwalk, CT, hosted by David Lindsay, runs from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. This is an outdoor jam that runs from the beginning of July through approximately the first week of September. It's a full electric jam with a PA and a full backline provided but they make room for acoustic performances a well. This event is weather permitting. Freese Park is located at 1 Main Street.
Wednesday Nights:
The Seagrape, in Fairfield, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The Lamb Jam takes place on the Charlie Karp Stage with a great house band including John Lamb on keys, Paula Gallo on vocals, Paul Deedon on bass, Joe Kos on drums, and Frank Barrese guitar. John Lamb is the host for this event and many of talented musician friends support this event every week. Seagrape is located at 1144 Reef Road.
Thursday Nights:
Jam TV, hosted by Ed Train, airs every Thursday night at 7:30 pm. This is an online event where you can perform live on the show from the comfort of your own home. Those that are just viewing the program can watch it on the Jam TV Facebook page, or on YouTube. Those that do wish to perform must send a private message to Ed on Facebook to request the link to the show. The program is broadcast through Streamyard. Just click on the link that he sends to you and you'll be directed into the show. There are also group discussions that take place about a variety of subjects in between the music performance. Be sure to check it out!
Wendy's Jam ran every week for 11 yeats the Black Duck Cafe, in Westport. The run endered there and it was held at 314 Beer Garden, in Norwalk, for a few months, but that ended as well. Wendy is looking for a replacement venue. It was a full electric jam, Wendy does make room for acoustic performers that show up as well. A full PA with backline is provided. Come play with the house band, or on your own. House band members include Wendy May, Ray Simonelli, Scott Hensley, Bill Geoghegan (when he visits from Ireland) Derek Reeves, Teddy Yakush, and Lance Justis. The Black Duck is located at 605 Riverside Avenue. Please check back from more details.